With each passing day of this tumultuous year, it becomes clearer that no one really knows where this is going, and by “this” I mean pretty much everything. I was talking to a young man recently whom I know well–he has just graduated from high school and will be attending (such as it is) St. Anselm College in New Hampshire this fall. This young fellow is impressively level-headed for his age and quite intelligent, and here he was saying that he and his friends don’t have much confidence that there is any real future for them. He said, in fact, there is some doubt as to a ‘future’ happening at all. What a crazy thing to say.
And yet, crazy or not, my young friend and his peer group are not alone in their sentiments–their perspective is shared broadly among Gen. Z’ers and Millennials, and has some resonance, too, among older folk like me. Global pandemic, distrusted social systems, economic uncertainty, massive debt loads and increasing levels of alienation make for a nasty stew.
So what is a Christian to do in a time such as this? Being true to what we believe is probably a good place to start. If we’re followers of Jesus Christ, what should we be saying right now? What should we be doing right now? Whatever that is, this is a fitting time to start saying it and doing it, if we haven’t already. We’re running out of reasons to wait for tomorrow.
For me, it is to acknowledge the failure of the institutional Church, and Christians generally (I include myself and most everyone else in this number) to teach, without apology or compromise, what it means to live as a Christian in this world. How many times have I read the following: “For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which I prefer. I am hard pressed between the two: my desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better; but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you.” (Philippians 1:21-24)
Do we really live as if dying is gain? Does the Church really teach this? With a few notable exceptions, I don’t believe the Church has taught this ‘next life is gain’ doctrine for about 1700 years–that’s about the time (early 4th century A.D.) the Church ascended to political power and subsequently lost a great deal of it’s mojo. And far from such a doctrine of ‘next life is gain’ making Christians ineffectual and complacent, such a confidence in the gain of death would actually induce a courage, boldness, justness, affection and compassion that would be world-changing because we would see this life as it should be seen–as a place to share Christ in word and deed and not to seek ‘happiness’ in family and career.
One of the notable exceptions where the Church has indeed taught, and lived, the ‘next life is gain’ doctrine is found, not surprisingly, in a period of the Church’s history that is often referred to as the ‘Great Awakening’. John Wesley, in a journal entry dated August 8, 1738, and giving an account of his visit to a Christian community in Dresden, Germany, called Herrnhut (German for ‘The Watch of the Lord’), shares the following:
“A child was buried. The burying-ground (called by them Gottes Acker, that is, God’s ground.) lies a few hundred yards out of the town, under the side of a little wood. There are distinct Squares in it for married men and unmarried; for married and unmarried women; for male and female children, and for widows. The corpse was carried from the chapel, the children walking first; next the orphan-father, (so they call him who has the chief care of the Orphan house,) with the Minister of Berthelsdorf; then four children bearing the corpse; and after them, Martin Dober and the father of the child. Then followed the men; and last of all the women and girls. They all sung as they went. Being come into the Square where the male children are buried, the men stood on two sides of it, the boys on the third, and the women and girls on the fourth. There they sung again; After which the Minister used (I think read) a short prayer, and concluded with that blessing, “Unto God’s gracious mercy and protection I commit you.” Seeing the father (a plain man, a tailor by trade) looking at the grave, I asked, “How do you find yourself?” He said, “Praised be the Lord, never better. He has taken the soul of my child to himself. I have seen, according to my desire, his body committed to holy ground. And I know that when it is raised again, both he and I shall be ever with the Lord.’” (Christian History Magazine, Vol. 1)
How far away are we Christians from living as we ought to live–as Christ would have us live? How far away from proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ with unbridled love and joy? How far away from truly doing justice for the oppressed? How far away from privileged Christians actually sacrificing our privileges? How far away from true mercy? How far away? For my part, I say that plain man, tailor by trade, is the measure.
I feel for the young man in you blog, I really cannot fathom what it is for those at the cusp of adulthood, to be faced with so muh uncertainty. We all face that , but older folks have had some sence of predictability, and the privileged even more so. We need to reach out to the ones we know and encourage as much intergenerational community as we can, so that we can leaqrn from each other how to LIVE FULLY in this time, preparing for what may come in the next moment as well as next life.
Thanks for the nudge, Matt.
a good reminder
You’re welcome, Sara, and your idea is a beautiful one–intergenerational communities (whether online or in person) could be of immense benefit to young people today…and to us older folk too 🙂
Love this, Matt! It’s definitely not a popular aspect of the Gospel, but it’s so crucial to me personally. I wish we talked more about this, and I wish Christians talked more like this. I do know that for many folks the “next life is gain” doctrine seems like a resignation to the afterlife, fleeing from the work of this world, giving up the responsibility to care for it. But I believe nothing could be further from the truth. It is precisely the person for whom the “next life is gain” who can pour out their life in the here and now for the sake of God and their neighbor. I too am inspired by Wesley and the Moravians. They and the 17th-18th-century Pietists were a shot in the arm for the sleepy state churches of Europe. What would it look like to have that same fervor now? What would a modern Pietism look like in the “mainline” churches of the USA in COVID-times?!
Amen to all of that, Robin, and just as Pietism was birthed out of the convulsions of the early 17th century wars of religion, so we, too, have our own convulsions that just might, by the grace of God, birth something quite extraordinary…
These are sure tough times right now., every where, and certainly in Boston The next Greater Boston Church Planting Collaborative mtg will be this Sat at 10, only on Zoom and it will all be about planting micro churches, focusing on what The Table is doing in parts of Dorchester. Josh Wilson, leader of this, will be leading that on-line gathering. We are loosing lots of church bldges these days, but it’s people that are important. It was so on-target what you’ve written, Matt.
Words of wisdom, brother Matt. I was more or less ok with death prior to having kids, though that was largely due to apathy rather than the hope of eternity with Christ. Letting go of this life is a much greater struggle now that I desperately want to see these precious little ones grow up and be happy.
Thank you, Ralph, and it is, indeed, the people!
Beautiful words, Phil, and a window for you into the deeper things that I don’t possess myself.